CERN Visit

January 19/20, 2023
Klaus Rabbertz
Participiants in front of a real size image of the CMS detector

On 19.01. and 20.01. ETP together with almost 50 students of the lectures "Particle Physics 1", "Particle Physics 2" and "Detector Physics" as well as students of the Thomas-Mann-Gymnasium Stutensee visited the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) near Geneva. Organized by CMS Upgrade Coordinator Dr. Frank Hartmann and Prof. Torben Ferber, there were guided tours at the "Antimatter Factory", a visit to the "Neutrino Platform", and finally an elevator ride 100m underground to the currently open CMS detector. This excursion gave the students, teachers and pupils an insight into the largest particle physics research facility in Europe.